part of the implementation of the adopted Town of Blythewood Master Plan, Town
Council is considering this zoning text amendment that would affect all
commercially-zoned properties in Blythewood. This zoning text amendment
will be accompanied by a corresponding zoning map amendment, both of which have
been recommended by the Planning Commission.
1 through 90 are proposed to replace the existing Zoning Chapter text for the
NC Neighborhood Commercial, OC Office Commercial, and GC General Commercial
zoning districts.
91 through 94 are new definitions for the Zoning Chapter.
95 through 155 show proposed deletions (red strikethrough text) and insertions
(red underlined text) to bring related sections of the existing Zoning Chapter
into consistency with this zoning text amendment.
tan/yellow shading within the document represents the accumulated editorial
changes made since the Planning Commission approved the 5/31/11 version at
their meeting on 6/6/11.
View the Complete Text Document here