Thursday, February 11, 2016

This Weekend in Blythewood, February 11th-13th

Join us in welcoming Blythewood’s newest business, The Blythewood Bee, a beekeepers’ supply store
at 227 McLean Road (behind Doko Meadows). Saturday, February 13 at 11:00 

This Weekend in Blythewood    
February 11th, 12th &13th
and don't forget Sunday,
February 14th...

Greater Blythewood Chamber of Commerce invites you to:

Thursday, February 18
Blythewood After Five
5:30 to 7:00 pm
at the Blythewood Historical Society
100 McNulty Road.  
Our host will share Blythewood's
history while providing refreshments and a wonderful networking opportunity. 

The Greater Blythewood
Chamber of Commerce
has a new temporary location.  The new location is 428-4 McNulty Road. The phone number is the same,

Tuesday, February  23
 from 11:30 until 1:00 pm.  

Come join us for a special
Lunch-N-Learn entitled
"Blythewood Penny Tax Road Improvements" 
where presenters from Richland County, SC DOT and Blythewood Town Council
tell us about the traffic circles, bike lanes, sidewalks, new roads and streetscapes coming to the Greater Blythewood area as a result of the Penny Tax.
The event is free and will include a box lunch from Chick-fil-A.

to the 1st Recipient of the 
Key to the Town of Blythewood,
Boo Majors,
Coach of the USC Equestrian Team

Come watch the USC Team at its finest! 

USC VS Texas A & M 
February 20
at 10:00 
 One Wood Farm 
1201 Syrup Mill Road

Blythewood Town Hall
will be closed
Monday, February 15th
in observance of Presidents' Day.

 We will reopen for business at 8:00 Tuesday, February 16th.

Doko Manor... 
   Let us help with a great        venue for your 2016 wedding, birthday, family reunion or  business events.

for great pictures,
pricing and details
 call Town Hall at 754-0501
for more information.

Town of Blythewood

Board of Architectural Review
Tuesday, February 16
7:00 pm
at Doko Manor

Town Council Meeting
Monday, February 22
7:00 pm
at Doko Manor

The Class of 1966 
Blythewood High School's
50th Reunion
is being planned for April.
 Please contact Tommy Adams at
or call 803-438-9834
so he can send updates to your address.

Join us in welcoming Blythewood’s newest business, The Blythewood Bee,
a beekeepers’ supply store
at 227 McLean Road
(behind Doko Meadows).

Saturday, February 13
at 11:00

Meet owner, Scott Derrick, and watch Mayor Mike Ross wield his giant scissors. See you then!

Blythewood Library

Friday, February 12
Family Storytime
10:30 to 11:00am 
Join Lori for some great storytelling!

February 12 & 26
HistoryPin-Drop In 
2:00-4:00 pm
Drop in for help uploading your photos and other historical documents to HistoryPin.

Saturday, February 20
Health Talk: Diabetes for Adults
 at 10:00 am
Join us for a cup of coffee and learn some tips for managing Diabetes. Our guest speaker is from Palmetto Health.

Wednesday, February 24
Lego Madness
3:30 to 5:00
Build your own LEGO fantasy creatures and places using all kinds of brick and materials
for ages 6 to 12.

Please sign up at or call 691-9806

 We do our very best to pick up the trash
along the roads in Blythewood. Some of the local roadways we travel are actually not in the Town of Blythewood, but maintained by Richland County. Therefore there are some areas that are not routinely  maintained.
All we can do is encourage the community to not litter ANYWHERE
and then we will have a trash free community to be proud of. Thanks for helping out!