Blythewood High School
Future Farmers of America
Annual Plant Sale
Saturday, April 8
Join us in the greenhouse
in the back of BHS to purchase spring plants for
your garden
from 8:00 am to noon.
Traveling Exhibit,
"The Way We Worked"
The report on the street was that the train ride in
Winnsboro last Saturday was so much fun!
Thanks to those who joined us!
Our next event is
Saturday, April 22,
Community Farm Day.
Everyone will have something to connect with in this
It is a history lesson of great enjoyment!
exhibit hours are
am to 4:00 pm,
Saturdays, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
and Sundays 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
The Way We Worked,
created by the National Archives, is part of Museum on
Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institute and
SC Humanities Council,
plus funding from Richland County and the Nord Family
Residents can Drop Off Spring Cleaning
at Community Recycling Event
Richland County Solid Waste & Recycling is
holding a
community recycling event
from 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Saturday, April 8
at W.G. Sanders Middle School,
3455 Pine Belt Road, Columbia.
Residents can drop off unwanted household items such
as electronics, scrap metal and tires, and paper shredding will be
available. No commercial drop off will be accepted.
more information,
call 803-576-2446.
Westwood High School presents ...
A Prom for our
Senior Citizens...
Classic Hollywood
Thursday, April 20
5:30 to 7:00 pm
Westwood High School Cafeteria
RSVP: J. Frick at 691-4049
Ext. 36662
The event is free, just let us know you are coming!