Thursday, December 31, 2015

This Weekend in Blythewood, December 31st-January 2nd

You are invited to The Town of Blythewood's New Year's Eve Party!  Thursday, December 31, 5:00 to 9:00 PM at Doko Meadows. No Coolers Please.

      This Weekend in          Blythewood    
December 31st,
January 1st & 2nd,


Meet us at Doko Meadows
for a great New Year's Eve party!

You are invited to
The Town of Blythewood's
New Year's Eve Party!
 Thursday, December 31,
5:00 to 9:00 PM
at Doko Meadows

Celebrate the New Year
with family and friends. Enjoy
 wonderful music by Freeway Music All Stars and great food from Chuggers, Scottie's, Doko Smoke and others. Bring the kids and a lawnchair and enjoy the fun with fireworks at 8:30, rain or shine.  Free Admission.
(No coolers please.)
Contact Steve Hasterok for more information at 754-0501.

Also... Remember that McLean Road directly behind Doko Meadows Park will be temporarily
closed Thursday from 4 to 9 pm for the New Year's celebration.

  Kick off the New Year right by getting outdoors!  Bring the whole family out for
a nature walk at
Camp Discovery in Blythewood on January 1, 2016
from 10 to 12 noon.

The hike through meadow and woodland habitats will be led by members of the Midlands Master Naturalist Association. Kids will have the opportunity to make their own bag of trail mix to bring along on the hike, and we'll all warm up afterwards with hot cocoa! 
  A donation of $10 per family is suggested, and can be paid at the time of the hike.
Children must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly!! 

 Contact Sara Green, SCWF Director of Education, through email, ( or by calling (803) 609-4778.
Camp Discovery is located at 208 Claude Bundrick Road, Blythewood. 

Readers Write...
A New Year's Wish....

Happy New Year to Noah from your Mom! (LT)

Happy New Year to my 2 daughters..This is going to be the shining year for all of us!  (MK)

Happy 2016 to Steve and his new bride, Grace!  We wish you the best!  (TOB)

And...Does anyone have any great New Year's Resolutions to share out there?

Town of Blythewood

Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, January 4, 2016
6:00 pm
at Doko Manor

Board of Zoning Appeals
Monday, January 11
7:00 pm 
at Doko Manor

The Greater Blythewood Chamber
of Commerce 
invites you to their monthly Chamber Breakfast Meeting,
Tuesday, January 12th
at Doko Manor.

The doors open at 7:00 for networking and breakfast starts at 7:30. The speaker will be the new president of Midlands Technical College, Ron Rhames. MTC is a big partner with the area's business community.  Hear what the new president's plans are to further that relationship.
Call Kitty Kelly at 712-3806 for more information. Please register in advance.

Blythewood Library

Friday, January 8
Family Storytime 
10:30 to 11:00 for all ages

Saturday, January 9
Blythewood Bookworms
3:00 to 4:00 for ages 9-12.
Join our bookclub and find out
about some great books.

Please sign up online at or call 691-9806

 Doko Manor... 
   Let us help with a great        venue for your 2016 wedding, birthday, family reunion or  business events.

Let the season begin! First day back from the holidays  I had 8 calls from newly engaged couples! 
The 2016 calendar is already
filling up!     

for great pictures,
pricing and details
 call Town Hall at 754-0501
more information.