Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17th-19th Weekend

The auditions are over and Bravo Blythewood is excited to announce that the inaugural production of the Blythewood
Community Theatre will be 'HELLO DOLLY'.  
This Weekend in Blythewood
January 17th, 18th and 19th

   Mark Your Calendar    

Jan, 23,24  Coogler Poetry Festival
                    Bravo Blythewood
            Blythewood Historical Society
April            HELLO DOLLY!
       The Blythewood Community Theatre
        Shows @ Westwood High School

Getting to Know
J. Gordon Coogler

 J. Gordon Coogler, a born and bred Blythewoodian turned poet, is being celebrated January 23rd and 24th during the
J. Gordon Coogler
Poetry Festival.   
Mr. Coogler was born in Blythewood in 1865 and became known for his poetry throughout Columbia and beyond.   In fact, J. Gordon owned a print shop and would write "Poems While You Wait".  How clever!
Plan to attend the poetry celebration, Jan. 23rd at The Manor @ Doko Meadows.  Starting at 6:00p, Coogler's poems will be the focus for the evening as students from our local schools as well as some of our own 'grown-up'  local poets will read and write poetry.  Make your way to the Langford-Nord House on Friday, January 24th at 6:00p for more of an introduction to Mr. Coogler, presented by one of his family descendents, Art Coogler and Coogler expert, Bill McDonald

That Rose
Written by: J. Gordon Coogler

So charmingly, beautiful Seemingly kind
So sweet was that rose
    I wished it was mine.

Community Theatre

The auditions are over and Bravo Blythewood is excited to announce that the inaugural production of the Blythewood
Community Theatre will be 'HELLO DOLLY'.  
The talent that abounds in Blythewood is very impressive and work is now beginning on this fun, energetic musical.  We'll let you know as soon as the performance dates are set in April .  There will be plenty of information coming your way as we get closer to show time!

Schedule of
J. Gordon Coogler Poetry Festival Events
All events are FREE to the public

January 23 - All afternoon
Poetry stations around town.  Look for them throughout the afternoon at Town Hall, the Blythewood Richland Library, IGA, Lizards Thicket,  Blythewood Pharmacy and
First Citizens Bank.
  Poetry will be written for you
while you wait!

The Manor @ Doko Meadows
Poetry readings by Blythewood area school students and a celebration of poetry of Blythewood native, J. Gordon Coogler (1865-1901).  Poetry will be written while you wait.  See Poetic Floral Art presented by the
Blythewood Garden Club
Refreshements Served

January 24 -  6:00pm  
Book Event at the
Historical Langford- Nord House featuring J. Gordon Coogler's book "Purely Original Verse" with guest speakers Art Coogler (descendent and noted Coogler family historian) and Bill McDonald (Coogler researcher and expert). 

January 25 - 2:00pm - 4:00pm
The Manor @ Doko Meadows
Poetry Out Loud Midlands Region competition series

All Coogler events sponsored by: