Thursday, April 30, 2015

This Weekend in Blythewood April 30th-May 2nd

The Blythewood High School swim team will host a Flapjack Fundraiser on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Funds raised by the swimmers will be used to help support the swim program.

    This Weekend in          Blythewood    
  April 30th-May 2nd 


Congratulations once again to our own Blythewood/ USC Equestrian Team!  They beat Georgia to win the National Collegiate Association National Championship.

Happenings at the Blythewood Arts Center...

Thursday, April 30, 4:30-6:30 Book signing of Poems by Arthur Turfa, Blythewood High School Teacher

Oil Painting Classes with Rita Smith.  The class meets for 6 weeks on Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. The cost is $135 for the 6 weeks.

Basket Weaving Class Wednesday, May 27th with Bonnie Geiger.  The cost is $65.  For more information about any of the events call Jean Bell at 550-9323.


Wednesday, May 6th is the opening day for the Blythewood Farmers Market.  Join us for the "Market May Day" celebration with a showcase of student bands from Freeway Music, kid's activities and great fresh produce.  The market will be opened each Wednesday from 4 to 7 until the middle of October.  

Thursday, May 7, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.  Westwood High School will host its 2nd annual "Golden Day's Dinner and Dancing" for the senior citizens of Blythewood.  The free event includes an evening of live entertainment, food, games and dancing.  For information or to RSVP call 691-4049 Ext. 36662 or email

Grab your baseball hats!  The first 20 to register will grab a spot at the Barry Mizzell Baseball Camp to be held this summer, June 15-18 or June 22-25.  The sessions will run Monday through Thursday from 8:30 to 12:00.  The Basic Fundamental camp is for ages 6-14 and the Advanced Pitching and Hitting camp is for ages 9-14.  Contact Barry Mizzell at 333-9882 (h) or 603-3520 (c) or email

Last day to give your input if you need transportation.

 The Central Midlands Council of Governments is gathering information to assess transit needs in our area.  Please help out by completing a survey by April 30 to share your thoughts and needs.  You can call:
or the spanish version..

The project schedule will wrap up by June 2015 with a plan that identifies the "good, better, and best transit options for our study area". 

Can you smell the Pancakes?

The Blythewood High School swim team will host a Flapjack Fundraiser on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Funds raised by the swimmers will be used to help support the swim program.
The Fundraiser will be at Applebee’s restaurant located at 10102 Two Notch Road in Columbia. Tickets for the Flapjack Fundraiser are $7 and can be purchased by calling
803-553-1840 or 803-730-7717. Breakfast includes a short stack of pancakes, sausage and a beverage.

Don't Forget...
  • Relay for Life Teams are still forming. Friday, May 8, 6:00 pm until midnight at Westwood High school. Go to to sign up for a team.

Now You Know... Mr.Jim Brown had another job around 1918 which was to drive Dr. Michael Langford on house calls in "the Brush". The "Brush" was Blythewood's first automobile, owned by Dr. Langford. According to the Blythewood Scrapbook and an article in the State newspaper in 1976,  Bill McDonald reported that the "Brush" was about half the cost of a Ford, selling for $485, with great gas mileage. According to  Mr. Jim, Dr. Langford often fell asleep exhausted from the many house calls. 

Do you Know....Around 1918, Dr. Langford finally received some help by giving many of his patients to Dr. Portia Lubchencos. (Portia and her husband, Alexis, made a harrowing trip to Blythewood from Russia as I reported months ago.) Dr. Portia made house calls in a horse and carriage and recounted that she easily delivered a hundred home-born babies each year.

She had 5 children of her own and in 1930 moved to Colorado as times were hard in the south. She became very active in community life in Colorado and in 1954 was given a very honorable award for the state.  What was that award?

   Be the first to  email your answer to and receive a treat from Town Hall.

This Tuesday......

This Wednesday...

Calling all businesses....
Doko Manor is a great place for business workshops, luncheons and dinners on the weekdays.  Or call to schedule a wedding, anniversary party, family reunion or that "big" birthday celebration.  For more information call Town Hall at 754-0501.

Coming soon...
Mother's Day, May 10

Start looking for a special                       treat!